Kanoo Energy

Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) Bottom Plate Corrosion Protection

Soil-side corrosion of above-ground storage tanks is a persistent issue within the industry. It stands as the primary cause of storage tank failures, presenting a significant environmental and operational challenge on a global scale. Over the past few decades, various methods for foundation construction and corrosion protection systems have been employed in attempts to mitigate and control soil-side corrosion. These methods include the use of asphalt pads, bituminous sand, cathodic protection (CP), and coatings.

However, the overall effectiveness of these techniques, whether used individually or in combination, has raised questions regarding their ability to provide the required protection, especially against pitting corrosion. The presence of air gaps between the bottom plates and the tank pad, caused by hydrostatic stresses, the filling and emptying cycle, and weld overlaps, hinders the flow of cathodic protection current in these areas.

The consequences of such failures have far-reaching implications:

  • Unscheduled interruptions.
  • Loss of products.
  • Expensive repairs and safety concerns.

Corrologic Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) are amine carboxylate-based and offer protection through a combination of volatilization from the VCI source and adsorption onto surfaces, thereby inhibiting the rate of soil-side corrosion on the bottom plate.

The volatile nature of the inhibitor allows it to address corrosion in hard-to-reach areas and enhance Cathodic Protection (CP) for comprehensive corrosion protection. VpCIs are effective, whether used alone or in combination with CP. This system applies to new tanks, tanks out of service, and in-service tanks.